Discussing and developing a thorough Job Description with client; Candidate sourcing through networking and various job posting activities; Pre-screening candidates for shortlisting purposes; Consultant interview with candidates
Parrish & Company is an executive search, recruitment and headhunting firm
for corporations & fast-growing companies in Jakarta, Indonesia
We perceive ourselves as emerging market specialist that develops innovative, personalised concepts to get the job done.
We will send candidates specifically tailored to your needs, equipped with full details on their background and credibility.
With our success-fee based structure, there will be no charge if you do not hire our candidates. Free replacement available. *)
*) Terms & conditions apply
Discussing and developing a thorough Job Description with client; Candidate sourcing through networking and various job posting activities; Pre-screening candidates for shortlisting purposes; Consultant interview with candidates
Membahas dan mengembangkan Deskripsi Pekerjaan menyeluruh dengan klien; Sumber kandidat melalui jaringan dan berbagai aktivitas posting pekerjaan; Kandidat pra-penyaringan untuk tujuan daftar pendek; Wawancara konsultan dengan kandidat
Prepare a detailed summary of the candidates; Prepare the candidates for client’s interview; Arranging interviews for both client and candidates; Follow-up activities with client and candidates
Siapkan ringkasan rinci dari kandidat; Persiapkan kandidat untuk wawancara klien; Mengatur wawancara untuk klien dan kandidat; Kegiatan tindak lanjut dengan klien dan kandidat
Conducting reference check for the candidates; Managing job offers and acting as intermediaries between both parties; Work closely with candidates throughout resignation period; Undertakes a series of follow-up activities during probation period
Melakukan pemeriksaan referensi calon; Mengelola tawaran pekerjaan dan bertindak sebagai perantara antara kedua belah pihak; Bekerja sama dengan kandidat selama periode pengunduran diri; Melakukan serangkaian kegiatan tindak lanjut selama masa percobaan
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