What Super Candidates Want at Work? 3 Offer Stage Strategies to Win Them

What super candidates want at work? You co-founded a start-up company and after several months validating your product, you win your first investment from a local VC. Congratulations! Now it’s time for you to start recruiting some key members to scale up your company, and you finally found some super candidates that seems interested to work for you.

Based on our experience, too many companies make the mistake of that getting to the offer stage means they’ve already crossed the finish line. Too bad, this is actually the most crucial and tricky stage and you really need to get the job done. Here are the 3 offer stage strategies to win you your candidates.

Don’t ever start with your lowest salary offer

You have your candidates at the offer stage, that means you have gone through an extensive screening and interview process with them. At a best practice, you have already found out their minimum salary expectation, so don’t offer them a lowball offer and expecting them to counter.

What you should do is to give them the strongest offer possible and tell them the reason how you got to that number. They will likely to understand that you have already taken the time of consideration the value they will be offering to your company.

Discuss the career growth opportunity

We suggest you to prepare a specific career path for your candidates. If you have any, it is better to have your HR Manager to present with you to answer any questions arising from your candidates. Two is better than one, isn’t it?

This is an opportunity for you to show that you’ve been listening to your candidates during job interview and how your team is excited for your candidates to come onboard. Trust us, they will listen!

Offer stock option incentives

This is arguably the most powerful tool. It really shows your candidates that you’re really want them to be part of your company. If your candidates show their enthusiasm to your company and vision, that will be a perfect match!

Take the time to discuss with your finance team to truly understand the numbers, how much you can share with the candidates and help them to understand the value of equity being offered.

Parrish & Co.

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